Token's Mane
Commited to providing loving pet grooming services!
Token's Mane is a mobile grooming service that comes to your home and grooms your pet in a self contained van in your driveway. This is not only a convenience to you, but your pet is under less stress because he/she does not have to spend all day in a grooming shop in a cage anxiously awaiting your return. Our grooming fee is based on breed, condition of coat, disposition and size of pet. A basic grooming includes a bath, blow dried,brush out and/or haircut to breed standards or customer preference, nails clipped, hair removal from ears,pads, rectum and tummy, empty anal sacs, bows/bandanas, doggie cologne. Extra charges for flea dips, medicated shampoo, dematting and hard to handle pets. Matted pets...UNFORTUNATELY, groomers have no MAGIC tools to remove matted fur without causing a great deal of PAIN to the pet! Therefore, it may be necessary to cut your pet real short or even strip it and start over. We don't like doing this, but IT IS MORE HUMANE THAN DEMATTING!!!!This is the time to set up a regular grooming schedule so your pet won't end up like this again. In order to keep our costs down and our fees reasonable, we must route our appointments. This means we can not always give you the time or date you want, although we try. Your cooperation in this is greatly appreciated. Most of our customers prefer to have a standing appointment (usually 4,6,8 weeks) assuring them of a happy well groomed pet all year long. If you want a standing appointment please let us know.
Our Commitment to You Our goal is that you and your dog develops a great relationship with us that will benefit your pet. If you have any ideas about how we can serve you better, please contact us and we'll do our best to help. Many breeds can be trimmed into a "puppy or utility cut" that is shorter than the usual breed standards, but still looks nice and is easier to care for between professional groomings. We do not allow owners to stay in the van during groomings. Dogs calm down after the owner is out of site. What causes stree is the owner remaining and the dog believing mom and/or dad is going to pick them up. Time savers that help your groomer...remove your pets collar before the groomer arrives, make sure your pet has had the opportunity to relieve itself, have your payment ready(if you know the amount) point out any unusal conditions such as moles, dew claws, sensitive spots, bites(needs a muzzle), etc. Oh, and make sure you can find your pet once he/she knows it's bath time. Grooming prices do not include tip/gratuity. Normal etiquette suggests 15-20 percent to reward good service provided.